History of The Computer | Computer Evolution - Electrotza.com

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Computer Evolution
There is a long history detailing on the invention of computer device and calculating machines. The records show that the following were the first calculating devices which lead to invention of computer.

Abacus device is known to be the first calculating device to be invented. This device was used to be performed arithmetic operation like addition and subtraction very easily and speedily. 

This device was a first develop by the Egyptians in the 10th century B.C, but it was given it final shape in the 12th century A.D. by the Chinese educationists. 

Abacus device is made up of wooden frame where by rod where fitted across with rounds beads sliding on the rod. It is divided into two parts and the upper part is called Heaven while a lower part is called Earth.

Napier Bones
John Napier is a Scottish Mathematician invented a Napier's Bones calculating device, in the year 1617 called the Napier Bones. 

In the device, Napier’s used the bone rods of the counting purpose where some number is printed on these rods. These rods that one can do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division easily.

Pascal's calculator
The device was inverted in 1642 by Blaise Pascal a French scientist. The device has ability to represents the position of digit with the help of gears.

Leibniz Calculator
This calculating device was inverted on 1671, by a German mathematics known as Gottfried Leibniz. Leibniz developed a machine which could perform various calculation based on multiplication and division as a modification of Pascals Calculator.

Analytical Engine
After many years passed in 1833 Charles Babbage a scientist form England invented Analytical Engine. It deemed the first mechanical computer which having many features related to many computers today. The invention of Sir Charles Babbage lead him to be known as the father of the computer.

Computer Generations
Computer generation refers a change in computer technology in a different ways. The knowledge about computer generation today includes both hardware and software.

1. First Generation
The period of first generation: 1940-1956. Vacuum tube based.
2. Second Generation
The period of second generation: 1956-1963. Transistor based.
3. Third Generation
The period of third generation: 1964-1971. Integrated Circuit based.
4. Fourth Generation
The period of fourth generation: 1971-present. VLSI microprocessor based.

5. Fifth Generation
The period of fifth generation: present-onwards. Artificial Intelligent based.

First generation computers (1940-1956)
This generation used a computing device called vacuum tubes for circuitry and also uses magnetic drums for memory in the computer. 

They were huge and taking up entire room or class.It was relied on machine language ad very expensive to operate. The UNIVAC, ENIAC, EDVAC,IBM-701,IBM-650 computers are examples of first-generation computing devices.

Features of the first Generation
1.Vacuum tube technology
2.Very costly
3.Generated lot of heat
4.Slow input and output devices
5.Huge size
6.Need of A.C.
8.Consumed lot of electricity

Second generation computers (1956-1963)
This generation uses transistors as a replacement of vacuum tubes. The generation were used High-level programming languages such as early versions of COBOL and FORTRAN. 

The computers in this generation were the first computers that stored their instructions in their memory. For example computers are IBM 1620, IBM 7094, CDC 1604, CDC 3600, UNIVAC 1108.

Features of the second Generation
1.Use of transistors
2.Smaller size as compared to first generation computers
3.Generated less heat as compared to first generation computers
4.Consumed less electricity as compared to first generation computers
5.Faster than first generation computers
6.Still very costly
7.A.C. needed

Third generation computers (1964-1971)
The devices that were used to process data in the third generation was integrated (IC). It was invented by Robert Noyce and Jack Kilby in the year of 1958-1959. IC is a single component containing a number of transistors.

Instead of punched cards and printouts, users interacted with third generation computers through keyboards and monitors and interfaced with an operating system. For example; IBM-360 series, Honeywell-6000 series, PDP (Personal Data Processor), IBM- 370/168, TDC 316

Features of third generation
1.IC used
2.Smaller size
3.Generated less heat
5.Lesser maintenance
6.Still costly
7. A.C needed
8.Consumed lesser electricity

Fourth generation computers (1971-present)
The computer in this generation is using microprocessor. Microprocessor is made up with thousands of integrated circuits. The development of GUIs was clearly in this generation where by a user interact with the devices mouse and handheld.
Features of the fourth Generation
1.VLSI technology used (Microprocessor)
2.Very cheap
3.Portable and reliable
4.Use of PC's
5.Very small size
6.No A.C. needed
7.Concept of internet was introduced
8.Great developments in the fields of networks
9.Computers became easily available

Fifth generation computers (present and beyond)
Fifth generation computing devices, based on artificial intelligence. The invention are still on development. 

The goal of fifth-generation computing is to be able to have devices that can respond to natural language input and are capable of learning and self-organization or decision making.

Artificial Intelligent (AI) includes:

  • Robotics
  • Neural Networks
  • Game Playing
  • To make decisions in real life situations.
  • Natural language understanding and generation.
Features of fifth Generation

1.Development of true artificial intelligence
2.ULSI technology
3.Development of Natural language processing
4.More user-friendly interfaces with multimedia features
5.Availability of very powerful and compact computers at cheaper rate.

Classification of Computer
Computer are classified based on the following
3.Size and processing power
Classification of computer based on type:

The following are the classification of computer based on type:

  1. Analog Computer: This reads data using measurement and some program scale and it is continuous in nature. It is calculated by measuring continues changes in physical quantities. Examples: car speedometer, wrist watch, thermometer etc.
  2. Digital Computer: This measure physical quantities by counting, which are addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. Examples: electric wrist watch, fuel disposal in petrol fueling station (nozzle).
  3. Hybrid Computer: These performs the operation of both analog and digital computers at the same time.

Classification of computer based on Purpose:
This is divided into two as follows:
1.General Purpose Computer
2.Special Purpose Computer
  1. General Purpose Computer: These are computers that can be used to carryout different jobs and serve variety of problems.
  2. Special Purpose Computer: These computer are specially designed to perform specific or particular job or task. Example: air traffic control etc.
Classification of computer based on size and processing power:
The following are the classification of computer based on size and processing power:
1.Super computers
2.Mainframe computers
3.Mini computers

  1. Super Computers: These are very large computers that are roomed to all sizes. This type of computer is usually used by big companies, super computers could be used for designing weapons, weather forecasting, biomedical analysis, research and air craft design.
  2. Mainframe Computers: These are also large in size but not as supercomputer. They have high ability of performing billions of calculations per second and they have high storage capacity.
  3. Mini Computers: These computers are small version of mainframe computers. They designed to support more than one user at a time. Most are used with more than 200 user at the same time. They are not portable and are expensive in nature
  4. Micro Computers: These are latest technology in computer to reduce the size of computer hence, the development of personal computer (PC) indicating that an individual can now have computer at home and small offices.
The following are the types of microcomputers:

(i) Desktop Computers: These are microcomputers that lie horizontally on their stand or on a desk (desktop). In most offices, the desktop computer (CPU) is placed on a desk while the monitor rest on top of it.

(ii) Laptop Computers: These are very portable computers designed to be supported on the lap and with varying sophistication.

(iii) Notebook Computers: These are very portable computers usually notebook or textbook sizes. They are smaller compared with laptop computers but perform the same type of task.

(iv) Palmtop Computers: Computers in this type are very small computers. They designed to be operated on the palm like mobile phone, calculator, organizer etc.