Tanzania O-Level Syllabuses for all Subjects

O-Level Syllabuses
These syllabuses are a revised versions which has been prepared to replace those of 1996. The revision process has been focused on change in paradigm from that of content based curriculum to a competence based curriculum.

Moreover, the revision was inevitable due to the fact that the 1996 syllabuses were not sufficiently consider the current social, cultural, global, technological, subject biases and cross cutting issues taking place world wide but particularly in Tanzanian society. 

In addition, the revision has also taken into consideration the requirements for the Secondary Education Development Plan (SEDP). These syllabuses has been introduced for implementation January 2007.

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The following is a list of the O-level syllabuses in Tanzania for all subjects | Orodha ya Mitaala ya Elimu ya Sekondari Nchini Tanzania